
divendres, 17 d’agost del 2012

Bouncing dancing and computing in Barcelona

Hola de nou, a veure si em poso al dia.

Hi again, I'm going to try to update my posts.

Avui divendres 17 horabaixa m'he despedit de ca n'Ainhoa després d'haver disfrutat de la seva hospitalitat i de la seva companyia durant dos dies.

Today Friday 17th, I have left Ainoha's house in the afrenoon after having enjoyed her hospitality and her company for two days.

En aquest dos dies vaig poder començar a fer una de les coses que em feia més ganes fer a Barcelona: fer classes en sèrio de Hip Hop i de la mà de tota una professional de la dansa com és n'Ainhoa.

In these two days I have been able to start doing one of my most expected activities that Iwas willing to do in Barcelona: taking some Hip Hop classes and besides with a very professional and talented teacher like Ainhoa.

Ho sento, d'això no tenc fotos, al moment del ball vaig deixar la càmera al vestidor del centre de  (situat a la Rambla de Poble Nou), però ja varem quedar que com que tornariem a fer classe, ja ens fariem les fotos oficials d'aquesta dance crew que hem improvisat.

I'm sorry, I  don't have any pictures of the dancing class, I left my camera at the dressing room in the dance studio (located at La Rambla de Poble Nou), but as we are going to practice again we agreed to take some official pictures of our new and improvisated dance crew.

Vaig tenir la sort de no estar tot sol a la classe, també s'hi va apuntar na Roser. Així hi va haver més ambientillo. Varem començar fent una mica de tècnica bàsica (Kihon que es diu a les arts marcials) i varem acabar fent una mini coreografia de només un vuit. Una canya!

I was terribly lucky because I was not alone at the class, Roser also joined us. This way it was way more funny. We started with a little basic technique (what they call Kihon in Martial Arts) and we finished dancing a mini coreography with only one eight. Really cool!

Una canya de música, una canya de profe, una canya de flow... ja es deu veure que m'ho vaig passar genial.

It was cool for the music, cool for the teacher, super cool and lots of flow... as you can see I enjoyed a lot.

Això del bouncing és un concepte que ens va explicar n'Ainhoa en veure que ens conformàvem amb fer el passos que ens proposava i que, sobretot jo, semblava un robot. "El Hip Hop com el Swing necessiten que sentiu el bouncing interior, que no el perdeu per donar-li al ball un poc de rotllo, un poc de feeling, llevar-li encarcarament". Sí senyor! inner bouncing all night long!

The term bouncing is an idea that Ainhoa explained us when she saw that we were simply making the steps she demanded and, specially me, that we were dancing like robots."Hip Hop the same way that Swing need you to feel the inner bouncing, you must not lose it in order to put some soul on your dancing, a little bit of feeling, not to dance stiff". Okay! inner founcing all night long!

Ens despedirem de na Roser, però varem quedar per sopar junts a ca la meva amfitriona per després anar a escoltar a The Diplomatics en una sessió de música electrònica que muntaven aquella nit a l'Ocaña. Mirau què mones però fresques (paraules seves) es posaren les amigues per sortir.

We saig goodbye to Roser, but we accorded to  meet again for dinner at my host's house. Later we were going to go out toghether to listen to The Diplomatics at a live session of electronic music that they were organizing at Ocaña's. Look at my cute friends (their own words) they looked really sweet but fresh-casual to go out.

Ara una foto "lagartas" total, això és el que passa quan a més de gent maca resulta que les teves amigues són actrius o han estudiat teatre. No em digau que no estam de póster: "Inner bouncing dance crew" jajajaj

Now a "bad girl's" picture, isn't it? This is what happens when jou join nice people that besides have studied or work as actresses. Don't you think tat this is a good  poster: "Inner bouncing dance crew" hahahhaha. 

De camí s'ens van unir na Paula i en Joan, i en acabar al sessió a l'Ocaña el DJ ens va colar al Jamboree i Hip Hop non stop. Qué divertit!

On our way to the club, Pula and Joan joined us, and once the session at Ocaña's finished the DJ made us to enter freely to the jamboree and there Hip Hop non stop. So amusing!

No diríeu mai de què varem parlar amb na Paula, na Roser i n'Ainhoa mentre feiem una copa abans d'anar a l'Ocaña... idò d'informàtica i de GNU/Linux =8o. Sí sí, no sóm tan retardat com per treure aquest tema de conversa, esperau que ho expliqui.

You will never guess what we started talking about with Paula, Roser and Ainhoa while we were having a drink before going to Ocaña's... er.. then... about computing, yes! No, wait I am not a complete stupid, It was not my decision, wait for my explanation.

Resulta que na Paula és una superfriki dels ordinadors i va dir una cosa (abans de saber que jo som informàtic) que crec que no podré oblidar mai. Apuntau:

Paula is a supergeek girl (although computing nor software is her profession) and she said something (well before she knew that I'm a software engineer) that I believe I could never forget:

"A mi és que els informàtics em semblen guais"
"I find IT guys really cool"

No ho havia sentit mai! Normalment escoltam tot el contrari, però és que aquesta Paula realment és una tia que romp motlles, feta d'una altra pasta. Elles, totes tres, sí que són guais! Ja vos podeu imaginar les rialles i el catxondeo que va venir a continuació.

First time in my life that I listen that! Normally we have to listen exactly the opposite, but the fact is that Paula is a non conventional woman, she has been moulded from a different clay. They, the three of them, do are really cool people! You can imagine the following laughs and joking.

Ara resulta que n'Ainhoa accepta que li pagui les classes de ball fent un intercanvi. Ella m'ensenya Hip Hop i jo li instalo Linux Mint i l'ajudo amb el canvi i altres dubtes informàtics. Per la seva banda avui horabaixa na Paula m'ha escrit dient que la vaig picar amb el que li vaig explicar de GNU/Linux i que ja no era aquell sistema aspre i difícil que va conèixer anys enrera i que s'ha animat a instal·lar-se també la darrera versió de Linux Mint.

As a result of that convesation, now Aihnoa agrees to be paid for her Hip Hop lessons with an exchange. She teaches me how to bounce, and I set up and configure Linux Mint at her computer and I help her with several doubts about software. Paula this afternoon has written me to tell me that she felt the sting after listening me talking about GNU/Linux and the tremendous advance that it has experimented in the last years in terms of simplicity and ease of use, she is going to install the newest Linux Mint distribution.

Avui ens hem aixecat tard, hem fet tertúlia i bastanta feina al Mint. Llavors hem agafat el metro i hem partit cadascú als seus quefers. N'Ainhoa a assatjar una exhibició que ténen dilluns vinent i jo al meu bungalow de Vallvidrera a cuidar en Trap i en Jum.

Today we get up late, we have been talking a lot and working with Mint with Ainhoa. Then we have taken the Metro and each one has gone to his/her own affairs. Ainhoa has been practicing a little show that they have next Monday and I have come to my bungalow at Vallvidrera to take care of Trap and Jum.

1 comentari:

  1. m'estava recordant d'aquelles "classes improvisades" d'informàtica amb el teu Commodore, jugant a "leisure suit Larry in the land of the lounge lizzards"... Fa ja vint-i-cinc anys?? Collons!!!


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