Today, I hadn't planned it but I have had lunch with my family.
Però la sorpresa més gran ha sigut que em volien fer un regal.
But the biggest surprise was that they wanted to give me a present.
Es tracta d'una motxilla molt original, plena de butxaques i gadgets, com a mi m'agraden i que duu un sistema de sujecció que permet carregar bastant de pes sense que les espatlles et facin un maler. Serà la meva motxilla de cabina i m'acompanyarà per tot el món arreu.
It is a very original backpack, filled with pockets and gadgets, the way that I like it. It has a cross strap system that allows carrying considerable weights without any pain in your shoulders. It will be my cabin backback and it will accompaign me all the world round.
Si mirau la foto en detall veureu que fins i tot a l'exterior li he pocut acoplar una bossa de mà amb unes sabatilles esportives que ja no hi cabien a dins.
If you look at the picture carefully you'll be able to appreciate that I have been able to attach a bag with a pair of sport shoes that I could not fit inside.
És la seva forma de dir que m'estimen, que pateixen amb el meu dolor, que em desitgen el millor i que esperen que el viatge em vagi molt bé.
Mamà, Papà, Esteve, Margalida, jo també vos estimo
It is their way of saying that they love me, that they suffer with my pain, that they wish me the best and that they hope that my voyage runs smootly.
Mum, Dad, Esteve, Margalida, I also love you
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