La meva estada a Valvidrera aviat acabarà, per això ahir vaig preferir quedar-me al meu super bungalow per acabar d'ensaborir-lo i també per preparar-lo per la tornada dels meus amfitrions.
My stay at Vallvidrera will soon come to is end. So yesterday i preferred staying at my super bungalow to well finish enyoing it and also to set it up for the return of my hosts.
Vaig passar l'aspiradora (si no us agrada la meditació d'asseguts això s'hi sembla i tanmateix ho heu de fer... amb aquell run-run màntric, que si al Japó ho descobreixen ja us podeu imaginar el soroll que s'armarà als temples Zen de Kyoto).
I used the vacuum cleaner deeply (if you don't like sitting meditation, this is quite similar and anyway you need to do it... with its rum-rum mantric sound, if they realize in Japan you can imagine the noisy ambiance that will invade all the Zen temples in Kyoto).
Llavors ens varem donar una dutxa amb la manguera. Si, dic ens, perquè ja us podeu imaginar la festa.
Later we had a shower with the hosepipe. Oh yes I said we, because you can imagine the party.
En Trap es va relaxar molt fàcil quan li feia una mica de massatge amb el xampú.
Trap got easily relaxed when I was massaging him with the shampoo.
A en Jum en canvi li va costar una mica més. Perquè el vaig fermar que si no encara correria per agafar-lo.
Jum was not so comfortable and it was a little harder for him. Luckily I decided to get him tied, if not I will be still trying to chase him.
Al final tots tres varem acabar ben fresquets i eixugant-nos al sol.
Finally we three finished very refreshed and getting dry in the sun.
La resta del matí la vaig passar fent un poc de feina a l'ordinador. De fet havia de revisar alguns exercicis de programació Java dels meus alumnes d'enginyeria de la UNED. Aquí em teniu, posant un Notable. A alguns els costa molt peruquè no és el seu tema, però fan bona feina en general.
I spent the rest of the morning working with the computer. In fact I had some Java programming exercises to examine from my students of Engineering at UNED. Here you are me grading an exercise with a good mark. Some of them suffer a lot because Programming is not their main interest, but they are hard workers, generally speaking.
You know yesterday night we had a soccer match between Barça and Madrid. I do not like soccer (as a good geek is meant to) but I had to make an exception, because this was a high level match, seen at a bar in Barcelona with a friend who is a fan of Real Madrid, he is discrete, but very fan: Javier.
Idò això jurgol, 3 a 2 a favor del Barça que haguès estat 3 a 1 si no fora per una errada monumental de'n Valdés, el porter barcelonista.... oh wait! Què putes faig jo xerrant de futbòl si no m'agrada? Deu ser l'ambientillo de bar que se m'encomana.
This is xoccer, 3 to 2 for Barcelona, which had been 3 to 1 if Valdés the goalkeeper of Barcelona hadn't made a great mistake... oh wait! What the hell am I doing speaking of soccer if I do not like it? It must be the bar ambient that comes to me.
El que sí va ser monumental, apart del partit, varen ser els boquerons amb vinagre i pa amb tomàtiga que ens varem menjar. Quina cosa més fina!
What it was really amazing, match apart, where the anchovies with vinegar and bread with tomato and olive oil that we ate. What a delicatessen!
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