Avui he començat el dia amb una sessió de meditació i entrenament Jedi.
Today I started my day with a session of Jedi meditation and training.
Fins a les 18h que la Princesa Leia tenia un taller de dansa Tribal-Fusió a Gràcia.
At 18th I went to Gràcia where Princess Leia had a Tribal-Fusion dance workshop
Allà he conegut a Lando Carlisian, l'amic de Han Solo, be el seu nom vertader és Hiro Kanazawa.
There I met Lando Carlisian, the friend of Han Solo, well his true name is Hiro Kanazawa.
Hem parat a una taverna per combatre el calor de Tatooine.
We stopped at a tavern to fight the hot weather of Tatooine.
Finalment m'he pegat una volta per tot l'Imperi per veure si hi havia alguna pertorbació a la Força que requerís la meva atenció.
Finally I have had a walk for the whole Imperium to see if there was any disturbance in the Force that needed my attention.
My eyes have seen...
A Jedi master and a fallen X-Wing in Planet Dagobah
An imperial battleship
X-wings fighting in space
Bobba-Fett the bounty hunter
Jabba the Hutt, without Leia. We saved her
He told me "Hei what are you doing here? Show me your security pass"
Then I moved my right hand and I said: "You do not need to see my pass. You are very tired, calm down. An old Jedi trick! You know...
The thing on the sand with a milion teeth
The Millenium Falcon
Arturito y Citripio, I mean R2D2 and C3PO. Always working as a team
Tie Fighters
Cheewie in the dark
The band at the taverm
At the tavern I met han solo, he had more than words with the guy behind
The Lord Sith
May the Force be with me! They are everywhere
"What are you looking for in this area? Huh!"
"Let's keep on trooping he looks like bantha shit"
The Death Star, with a not so deadly ray. They were still testing
Obi Wan, and Vader's tie Fighter
Of course, I met him. But I calmed down when I saw he was using a "salchichón" instead of a light sabre
Després he acabat el meu peleginatge per la galàxia cuinant-me uns ous remenats amb mostassa. Deliciosos.
Then I finished my pilgrimage througout the galaxy cooking a very tasty scrambled eggs with mustard.
Que pasada!!! Que chulada de expo...
ResponEliminaVaya días completitos te pegas, eh?
Voy a ver si puedo volver a dormirme...que calor!!!
Hasta luego amigo!!!
Esta "expo" no es mas que una de las tantísimas calles del barrio de Gracia que se disfrazan para celebrar sus fiestas.
ResponEliminaComo véis se lo montan bien los amigos
Socks ... the best!
ResponEliminaExtreme envy!
Juas!!. Que se muera de envidia el de los anillitos!! :)
ResponEliminaSón els carrers de Gràcia, deuen ser les festes del barri, no ?
ResponEliminaQuè xulo !!! Quina pena que després ho hagin de treure...
Hauriem de promocionar algo semblant a cualque poble de Mallorca !
Aquest ens el vam perdre l'altre dia! Millor, axís tenies més coses a vore pels voltants.