Ahir visita guiada per l'Hospital Modernista de Sant Pau. De la mà de Daniel De Vena, una persona inquieta, intel·ligent, sensible i cercadora com poques.
Yesterday a guided tour by the Modernist Hospital of Saint Paul. Guided by Daniel De Vana, a lively person, clever, sensitive and a life researcher as few of us.
Aquí el meu amic Daniel ens parlava del paralelisme entre Star Wars i les imatges cristianes dels evangelistes, principalment de Sant Lluc, el toro alat. Un crack el tio! Molt bé!
Here my friend Daniel was talking about the paralelisms between Star Wars and the christian images of the evangelists, mainly about Saint Luc, the bull with wings. Super cool! Very well explained!
Aquí a l'esquerra el toro alat. El bou representa l'impuls irracional, la força humana emprenedora però poc reflexiva, per això el seu llibre està tancat a diferència del del lleó que està obert perquè representa la saviesa. El toro alat és l'home i l'evangelista Lluc, que camina per el cel, és a dir: LUC SKYWALKER!
Here on your left you can see the bull with wings. The bull represents the non reflexive pulsion, the human force but little thinking, this is why he is stepping on a closed book and his fellow the winged lion has an open book because it represents wisdom. The bull with wings represents the man and the evangelist Saint Luc, the one who walks in the sky, that is: LUKE SKYWALKER!
Llavors Daniel em va proposar de quedar amb na Roxanne (nom xinès Lu Yu Ting) una amiga d'un amic, per dinar junts i visitar els tres el Parc Güell.
Later, Daniel proposed me the idea of meeting Roxane (chineese name Lu Yu Ting) a friend of a friend. IThe idea was to have lunch together and then visiting Parc Güell.
Here on your left you can see the bull with wings. The bull represents the non reflexive pulsion, the human force but little thinking, this is why he is stepping on a closed book and his fellow the winged lion has an open book because it represents wisdom. The bull with wings represents the man and the evangelist Saint Luc, the one who walks in the sky, that is: LUKE SKYWALKER!
Llavors Daniel em va proposar de quedar amb na Roxanne (nom xinès Lu Yu Ting) una amiga d'un amic, per dinar junts i visitar els tres el Parc Güell.
Later, Daniel proposed me the idea of meeting Roxane (chineese name Lu Yu Ting) a friend of a friend. IThe idea was to have lunch together and then visiting Parc Güell.
Na Roxanne és una al·lota vivaratxa, simpàtica, intel·ligent, bona conversadora, culte (ha estudiat una mica d'espanyol encara que ens comunicàvem en anglès) y molt divertida. Ens ho passarem molt bé fent broma tot l'horabaixa. Rient com a "happy chicken".
Roxxane is a lively girl, extremely pleasant, clever, a good talker, she is educated (although we talked in english she had studied a little bit of spanish) and very funny. We spent a very good time together kidding each other all the time. Laughing like "happy chicken".
Tenir la sort de passejar per el Parc Güell amb en Daniel que ens feia de guia privat no és un luxe a l'abast de tothom.
Having the luck of walking by Parc Güell with Daniel who acted as our personal guide is a luxury not at everyone's reach.
Si voleu podeu veure una presentació amb més fotos si feu click aquí.
If you like, you will be able to see a slideshow with more pictures if you click here.
Després anarem a fer un geladet per Gràcia i passarem per els seus carres disfressats de festa. Un altre dia rodó. Gràcies Univers!
Later we had an ice cream in Gràcia and we passed by some of their streets disguised for festivities. Another round day. Thank you Universe!
Hola amigo,
ResponEliminaQue bien te lo estás pasando, eh?
Aunque no te escriba comentarios siempre, te sigo cada día...
Un saludo