Avui m'he aixecat més tard que de costum. Fins ara em sonava el despertador a les 6:30, però el meu primer día a casa de na Lola i en Lampa demanava calma, avui fins a les 9:30 encara passava de tot.
Today I got up later than usual. Last days my alarm clock was ringing at 6:30, but my first day at the house of Lola and Lampa was asking me some calm, today until 9:30 I was completely out.
Today I got up later than usual. Last days my alarm clock was ringing at 6:30, but my first day at the house of Lola and Lampa was asking me some calm, today until 9:30 I was completely out.
Com que el pes de la motxilla m'havia provocat algunes molèsties a l'esquena i després d'haver conegut les excel·lències del massatge tradicional Thai a París, he decidit mirar si trobava un bon centre especialitzat en massatge tailandès a Barcelona. N'he trobat un que es diu centre Ban Thai Masaje http://banthaimasaje.wix.com/masajes que semblava molt seriós i els preus eren molt raonables.
As my heavy backpack had left some pain on my back and as I could knew the excellences of traditional Thai massage in Paris, I decided to look for a good and specialized center in Barcelona. I've found one called Ban Thai Massage http://banthaimasaje.wix.com/masajes It looked very professional and the prices seemed reasonables.
He acordat una sessió de 90 minuts i hem quedat a les 12:30. No sé si mai vos n'heu fet un, però de tots els que he provat el tailandés és el massatge que a mi m'agrada més (diuen que he de provar el Balinès, ara que visitaré Indonèsia i el Shiatsu aprofitant que també vaig a Japó). El massatge Thai es pot fer a una camilla o sobre un tatami al terra, en el meu cas, per els meus problemes amb les cervicals, la camilla semblava més adequada perquè em permet estar boca avall sense haver de girar el coll.
I arranged a 90 min session and we accorded to met at 12:30. I do not know if you ever have received one of these, but among the different styles of massage that I have tried, Thai massage is my favourite (they told me that I shoud try Balinese, now that I am going to visit Indonesia and Shiatsu as I am visiting Japan as well). Thai massage can be done on a couch or on a tatami, on the floor. In my case, for my cervical problems, the couch seemed better because it allows me to be laying on my stomach without having to turn my neck.
En aquest estil de massatge la persona que el dona fa sevir dits, mans, colzes, avantbraços i peus (no sé si em deixo res) i es caracteritza per ser un estil de massatge intens i profund, gens superficial. Apart de tècniques d'amassament muscular també s'apliquen palanques, estiraments i maniobres de recol·locació de vèrtebres. Hi ha molts de moments que són dolorosos, però és un dolor amb sentit i que val la pena per el benestar que vé després. Vos ho recomano, ja em direu.
In this style of massage the therapist use her fingers, hands, elbows, forearms and feet (I am not sure if I miss something). It is a intense and deep, not superficial at all. Beside the muscle kneading techiniques they also use levering techniques, stretchings and vertebra adjusting maneouvers. It has some painful moments, but it is a pain that has a good reason ans that it is worth by the wellness that one can feel after. I vwould recommend it to you, please tell me your impressions.
Vos presento a na Janphen, la persona que m'ha dedicat 90 minuts de feina a fons. Hi ha maneres i maneres de fer la feina i es nota quan algú la fa de cor i amb professionalitat. Encara que m'has donat un bon tute i que m'has dit "Mañana usted acordar de mí" ai! ... trob que val la pena dir: gràcies Jahnpen!
I introduce ou Janphen, the person that has been working with my muscles and bones very intensely for 90 minutes. There exist many ways of doing one's job, but you can feel the difference when it is done with heart and professionalism. Although you have crushed me and that you told me "Tomorrow you will remember me" Ouch! ... I think that I must say: Thank you Janphen!
Llavors he anat a dinar una amanida a un lloc que no té gaire interès i on no m'han sevit gaire bé. Des d'allà he escrit alguns correus i he mirat l'agenda cultural de Barcelona a la recerca d'alguna cosa que em fes ganes. Encara que sé que són les festes de Gràcia, he pensat anar demà a fer-hi una volta. A més he llegit que al Renoir de Floridablanca, molt aprop d'on estava, hi feien una pel·lícula que em feia ganes.
Then I have eaten a salad at a place of no interest where I have not been served very well. From there I have written some e-mails and I have looked the cultural agenda of Barcelona in search of some avent that called me. Although I do know that now they have the "Fiestas de Gracia" (a neighbourhood in Barcelona), I thought about visiting it tomorrw. Besides, I've read that at the Renoir Floridablanca cinema, very close to where I was, they were offering a film that I liked to see.
De camí cap allà, al Carrer Floridablanca, m'he trobat aquest casal okupat. M'he fotografiat la seva adreça de correu per si arriba el cas que els hagi de demanar si hi puc passar qualque vespre. No sé si m'acollirien, si fa falta els ho demanaré.
On my way there, at the Street of Floridablanca, I've found this occupied house. I have taken a picture of their email just in case of I need to ask them if I can stay a couple of nights there. I don't know if they are going to admit me, if it is necessary I will ask them.
As my heavy backpack had left some pain on my back and as I could knew the excellences of traditional Thai massage in Paris, I decided to look for a good and specialized center in Barcelona. I've found one called Ban Thai Massage http://banthaimasaje.wix.com/masajes It looked very professional and the prices seemed reasonables.
He acordat una sessió de 90 minuts i hem quedat a les 12:30. No sé si mai vos n'heu fet un, però de tots els que he provat el tailandés és el massatge que a mi m'agrada més (diuen que he de provar el Balinès, ara que visitaré Indonèsia i el Shiatsu aprofitant que també vaig a Japó). El massatge Thai es pot fer a una camilla o sobre un tatami al terra, en el meu cas, per els meus problemes amb les cervicals, la camilla semblava més adequada perquè em permet estar boca avall sense haver de girar el coll.
I arranged a 90 min session and we accorded to met at 12:30. I do not know if you ever have received one of these, but among the different styles of massage that I have tried, Thai massage is my favourite (they told me that I shoud try Balinese, now that I am going to visit Indonesia and Shiatsu as I am visiting Japan as well). Thai massage can be done on a couch or on a tatami, on the floor. In my case, for my cervical problems, the couch seemed better because it allows me to be laying on my stomach without having to turn my neck.
En aquest estil de massatge la persona que el dona fa sevir dits, mans, colzes, avantbraços i peus (no sé si em deixo res) i es caracteritza per ser un estil de massatge intens i profund, gens superficial. Apart de tècniques d'amassament muscular també s'apliquen palanques, estiraments i maniobres de recol·locació de vèrtebres. Hi ha molts de moments que són dolorosos, però és un dolor amb sentit i que val la pena per el benestar que vé després. Vos ho recomano, ja em direu.
In this style of massage the therapist use her fingers, hands, elbows, forearms and feet (I am not sure if I miss something). It is a intense and deep, not superficial at all. Beside the muscle kneading techiniques they also use levering techniques, stretchings and vertebra adjusting maneouvers. It has some painful moments, but it is a pain that has a good reason ans that it is worth by the wellness that one can feel after. I vwould recommend it to you, please tell me your impressions.
Vos presento a na Janphen, la persona que m'ha dedicat 90 minuts de feina a fons. Hi ha maneres i maneres de fer la feina i es nota quan algú la fa de cor i amb professionalitat. Encara que m'has donat un bon tute i que m'has dit "Mañana usted acordar de mí" ai! ... trob que val la pena dir: gràcies Jahnpen!
I introduce ou Janphen, the person that has been working with my muscles and bones very intensely for 90 minutes. There exist many ways of doing one's job, but you can feel the difference when it is done with heart and professionalism. Although you have crushed me and that you told me "Tomorrow you will remember me" Ouch! ... I think that I must say: Thank you Janphen!
Llavors he anat a dinar una amanida a un lloc que no té gaire interès i on no m'han sevit gaire bé. Des d'allà he escrit alguns correus i he mirat l'agenda cultural de Barcelona a la recerca d'alguna cosa que em fes ganes. Encara que sé que són les festes de Gràcia, he pensat anar demà a fer-hi una volta. A més he llegit que al Renoir de Floridablanca, molt aprop d'on estava, hi feien una pel·lícula que em feia ganes.
Then I have eaten a salad at a place of no interest where I have not been served very well. From there I have written some e-mails and I have looked the cultural agenda of Barcelona in search of some avent that called me. Although I do know that now they have the "Fiestas de Gracia" (a neighbourhood in Barcelona), I thought about visiting it tomorrw. Besides, I've read that at the Renoir Floridablanca cinema, very close to where I was, they were offering a film that I liked to see.
De camí cap allà, al Carrer Floridablanca, m'he trobat aquest casal okupat. M'he fotografiat la seva adreça de correu per si arriba el cas que els hagi de demanar si hi puc passar qualque vespre. No sé si m'acollirien, si fa falta els ho demanaré.
On my way there, at the Street of Floridablanca, I've found this occupied house. I have taken a picture of their email just in case of I need to ask them if I can stay a couple of nights there. I don't know if they are going to admit me, if it is necessary I will ask them.
Com que la pel·lícula no començava fins a les 18:20 i encara faltaven gairebé dues hores he decidit anar a fer un suc de taronja i a estudiar una mica de Nihongo amb Busuu (una plataforma d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu de molts d'idiomes per a Android) al bar La Principal.
As the movie was at 18:20 and I had still 2 hours left, I decided to have an orange juice and study a little japanese with Busuu (a collaborative language learning platform for Android) at a Bar called La Principal.
As the movie was at 18:20 and I had still 2 hours left, I decided to have an orange juice and study a little japanese with Busuu (a collaborative language learning platform for Android) at a Bar called La Principal.
I allà m'ha passat una altra d'aquestes coincidències espectaculars. Estava amb els meus auriculars escoltant "Oyasuminasai!, O genki desu ka?, Konnichiwa!... i similars" quan alço la vista i em trobo una persona coneguda que em mira i em somriu.
There It happened one of those amazing coincidences. I was with my earphones on, listening things like "Oyasuminasai!, O genki desu ka?, Konnichiwa!... and similar" when I raise my eyes to discover someone that I know, she was looking at me and smiling.
Em trec els auriculars i li dic "Hola, t'enrecordes de jo veritat? Ens varem conèixer l'altre dia al Centre Sri Aurobindo".
I pull my earphones out and I say to her "Hi, you remember me, right? We met a couple days ago at the Center Sri Aurobindo".
Ella em respon: "No, devia ser la meva germana bessona. Tenc una germana bessona. Jo no soc la Ruth, jo em dic Judith i volia mostrar-te unes artesanies que faig amb coses reciclades per a recollir fons per ajudar a gent sense sostre que vaig a visitar cada vespre."
She answers: "No you must be talking about my twin sister. I have a twin sister. I am not Ruth, my name is Judith and I wanted to show you som hadcrafts that I make with recycled materials in order to get some funds to help homeless people that I am going to visit every night."
Tooooma coincidència rara, i mira que és gran Barcelona! Vos mostro dues fotos, a la primera, a la part inferior esquerra na Ruth, a la segona na Judith.
Wooooooow! What a stange coincidence! In such a big city like Barcelona! I will show you two pictures, on the first one you can see Ruth at the bottom left , on the second one you will see Judith.
Increíble veritat? Naturalment li he comprat una de les floretes de plàstic que venia, perquè tanta coincidència deu voler dir alguna cosa, potser més endavant trobaré algú que ha de menester aquesta flor. Si algú que veu aquesta web creu fermament que li pertany que m'ho digui, jo li guardo encantat, però de moment encara no sé per a qui és.
It is incredible, isn't it? Of course I had to buy her one of the plastic flowers that she was selling, because such a coincidence must have some kind of meaning, maybe later I am going to meet someone who needs this flower. If some of you strongly believe that this flower belongs to her or him, please tell me, I will be keeping it with pleasure, but at the moment I sill do not know whose is this flower.
Aprofitant l'encontre, na Judith m'ha contat la feina que fa amb els sense sostre i m'ha deixat la web que du la persona a la qui ara mateix es sent vinculada per aquest projecte.Vos la passo per si a algú li pot resultar d'interès: http://www.stellaire-smbs.com També m'ha recomanat que visite la Plaça del Raspall al barri de Gràcia perquè allà hi trobaré gent que fa coses amb materials reciclats. La vida és soprenent no digau.
Judit has also explained me her work with homeless people and she has written me the web site of the person to who she is liked for this project. I copy it to you just in case someone find it interesting: http://www.stellaire-smbs.com She also has recommended me to visit La Plaça (square) del Respall at Gracia neighbourhood, because there I will find many people that work with recycled materials. Life is a susprise, don't you think?
Llavors he seguit endavant amb la meva idea d'anar al cinema.
Later I went on with my idea of going to the cinema.
La pel·lícula era "Hara-Kiri" (que en realitat s'hauria de dir Sepukku).
The movie was "Hara Kiri" (more precisely they should write Sepukku):
Una de samurais. Molt i molt dura, com solen ser les històries de samurais que es conten al cinema, però a la vegada molt hermosa i de factura impecable. Una història de desgràcia i honor duites al límit. Notable la música de Ryuichi Sakamoto.
A samurai movie. Very very hard, as samurai stories use to be, specially the ones that are presented as movies or books. At the same time it is a very beatiful movie and very well done. A story about disgrace and honour, both at extreme levels. A very remarkable soundtrack by Ryuichi Sakamoto
Llavors ja he posat rumb de tornada a casa de na Lola i en Lampa a Vallvidrera. Tren de rodalies i funicular de Vallvidrera.
Aferwards I headed back to Lola's house in Vallvidrera. A proximity train and a funicular to Vallvidrera.
En Jum i en Trap m'esperaven ansiosos per sortir a fer una volta que he decidit fer corrent. Així he fet un poc d'entrenament a la vegada que treia els meus dos nous amics a esbravar-se una mica. Els he donat sopar, els he canviat l'aigua, he regat el jardinet dels meus amfitrions i he pujat un moment a ca na Pili i en Javier per beure un poc d'aigua fresca i contar-li a na Pili l'enorme coincidència que m'havia passat avui amb això de na Judith. Hem fet un poquet de tertúlia i aquí em teniu explicant-vos el meu dia.
Jum and Trap were waiting for me, anxious to go for a walk toghether. Today I decided to do some jogging. This way I have trained a little at the same time that I was having a walk with my two new friends. I have fed them, I have put them some fresh water, I have watered the garden of my hosts and then I have paid a short visit to Pili to have a glass of cool water and to explain Pili the tremendous coincidence about Judit. We have been talking for a short while and here you have me, explaining you my day.
Fins demà si no hi ha res de nou.
See you tomorrow it there is not some issue.
Enhorabona Toni, em tens enganxat !, per jo sempre seras el meu mestre Jedi, salut i força !
ResponEliminaHola Toni!! Et segueixo i m'agraden molt les històries que ens contes! Te'n passaran moltes i bones en aquesta aventura! Una abraçada
ResponEliminaHola amigo trotamundos!
ResponEliminaMenuda crónica de viaje te estás marcando!!!
Me he despertado por el calor, me he ido al sofá y me he puesto el aire. He encendido el portátil y , como cada día, he revisado tu blog que me tiene enganchado.
Sigue disfrutando y sobre todo publicando...