Aquests darrers dies no he tingut tant de temps d'escriure. No he fet res espectacular i per això segurament avui no toca un post tant original com el de "Teoria de Cuerdas" que encara ric de recordar-lo. De tota manera com que ja veis que se m'en va un poc la pinça i gual encara us conto coses gracioses.
These last days I haven't had too much time to post. I haven't done anything spectacular and so probably today my post wont't be that original like the one called "String Theory". It was hilarious even for myself. Anyway as you may have already noticed I usually loose my head and there are chances that even today I am able to tell some funny things.
Aquesta és l'entrada de la finca on tenc el meu petit apartament-zulo.
This is the main entrance to the building where i have my little apartment-cave.
A escasament 30m tenc un club de Finess fantàstic.
At barely 30 m I have a tremendous Fitness club.
Com que ténen una fórmula per díes vaig decidir apuntar-m'hi. Així mantenc el mu cos en forma i la meva energia alta. Té molt ones instal·lacions i he d'enviar al meu amic Pep, propietari del PalmaFitness, un piropo que li pertoca. Anna la directora del centre i monitora de la meva primera classe de tonificació em va dir "Ah! deus anar a un bon gimnàs a Mallorca, perquè tens una tècnica bastant bona per fer els exercicis". Aquesta va per tú amic meu!
As they havea formula of pay-per-day I decided to join them. This way I keep my body active and my energy high. It has realy nice facilities and I must send my friend Pep, owner of PalmaFitness a compliment for him. Anna, the director of the center and the one who leaded my first tonification class told me "Uh! you must be going to a very goog gym in Mallorca because you have a remarkable techinque at performing the exercises". This is for you my friend!
Na Lola, la propietària del "meu" xaletet de Vallvidrera, va tornar a casa quan jo ja m'havia mudat, però em feia moltes ganes parlar una estona amb ella i per això vaig proposar-li si pujava a casa seva a sopar, jo duria un vinet. Intuia que era una persona a qui valia la pena conèixer un poc millor y no m'equivocava, la meva intuició continua funcionant bé.
Lola the owner of "my" cottage in Vallvidrera, came back home when I had already moved to my apartment, but I was willing to have a good talk with her so I proposed to come for dinner, I will bring some wine. I knew by intuition that she is a person who is worth knowing a little better and I wasn't wrong, my intuition is still working well.
Na Lola es una conversadora excel·lent a més d'una dona molt oberta i interessant. Imaginau que nosaltres, un Enginyer de Programari i una Dissenyadora Gràfica i de Moda, varem acabar parlant sobre computació quàntica. Va ser una vetllada estupenda.
Lola is a superb conversationalist and a very open and interesting woman. Imagine that we, a Software Engineer and a Fashion and Graphic Designer, finished talking about quantum computing. It vas an wonderful evening.
S'ens va fer tard, tant que vaig perdrre el darrer funicular, però cap problema! Na Lola em va oferir que quedés a dormir a casa seva un dia més i així ho vaig fer.
Time ran quickly, and when I realized I had lost the last funicular, but no problem! Lola oferred me to stay one more night at her place and so I did.
Així vaig poder despedir-me millor d'en Trap i d'en Jum.
This way I was able to say a better "see you later" to Trap and Jum.
I vaig poder ajudar a en Lampa a arreglar una mica la seva bicicleta.
And I could help Lampa at fixing his bycicle.
Quan vaig tornar al meu apartament, havia de menester posar una rentadora... ai! Em va agafar per riure, vos copiaré els missatges de Twitter que en una "anada d'olla" se'm va acudir anar penjant.
When I reentered my little apartment, I needed to make my laundry... Ouch! I started kidding myself in one of my "transitory foolish states of find" posting some text in Twitter that I'm going to share:
Aíxí és com quan un s'avorreix por convertir qualsevol entrebanc en un culebrot.
This is how way when one gets bored, one can convert anything in an soap opera.
Per a celebrar la meva victòria (parcial), aquell horabaixa vaig quedar de nou amb en José Luís per a fer un talleret d'introducció a l'Arduino (una plataforma electrónica programable y de maquinari obert amb la que fer experiments casolans de robòtica i demés històries geek)
To celebrate my (partial) victory, that afternoon I had a meeting with José Luís in order to do an introductory workshop to Arduino (a programmable and Open-Hardware platform which allows to develop home experiments about robotics and other geeky stuff).
Dedicada al meu germà en Toni Tries
Jose Luís loves historical memorabilia. I got caught by this russian schoolbook, with the image of "Our President" on the cover, showing up as a Super (please notice the sticker on the helmet) Hero.
Primer em va mostrar el seu projecte Arduino consistent en un rellotge que mostra la hora escrita en text en català.
First he showed me his Arduino project that consists in a clock that shows the current time but as it should be written in catalàn.
Llavors la seva estació meteorològica. Que es capaç de monitoritzar la humitat i la pressió atmosfèriques.
Then his weather station. Whis is able to monitor humidity and atmospheric pressure.
La plana web on explica tots els seus muntatges fil per randa.
His website where he explains with great detail all his projects.
Després de sopar junts a casa seva ens varem reunir per fer uns mojitos amb la seva al·lota i amb una amiga. Uns mojitos ben agradables! Continua cumplint-se la propietat transitiva de la simpatía.
After having dinner toghether we met his girlfriend and another friend for taking some mojitos. Nice mojitos! It is still true: sympathy has the transitive property.
Una altra cosa que he fet al meu "zulete" ha sigut muntar una carpa que s'havia comprat na Sara, la filla d'en Javier i que no havia sabut muntar. Dit i fet! Això em va anar millor que la llanterneria.
I also mounted a big top at my "cave". It was bought by Sara, Javier's daughter and she had not been able to mount it. Easy! The result of this work was far better than my plumbery.
Com veieu petites coses urbanes, que formen part de la meva adaptació a l'entorn del barri de Gràcia.
As you can see little urban things that help making myself at home at the Gracia neighbourhood.