Estic en plena adaptació. El taló de la de l'esquerra em fa un poc de mal, però això passarà aviat. Són molt còmodes, de Goretex i de marca Mallorquina.
Uns transportadors unipersonals que m'acompanyaran a la meva aventura.
Foto presa al pati interior del meu antic lloc de feina, l'escola d'informàtica on he estat treballant durant dotze anys.
Photo taken at the interior garden of my former workplace, the school of computing I 've been working from tweleve years
I needed a new pair of good globetrotters and yesterday I could get my hands on this pair of "flip-flops". I was lucky to get them with an extra 10% discount over the already discounted price, just by my simpathy (thank you Aina from Lloseta, and thank you also for the free impermeabilizating spray and for the nourishing cream for the leather).
I am in the break in period. The left heel still hurts a little bit, but this will be just for a short while. They are very comfortable, made from Goretex and a brand from Mallorca.
A personal transporting system that will move me up and down during my adventure.